The day started at just before 5am. Up I got (evenutally) and showered and downed a coffee (5am is too early!). Russ kindly picked me up at 6am and dropped me off on a very dull and grey morning to Southampton airport.
Luckily my flight was on time and the journey short - I arrived in Manchester at around 8am and was picked up very quickly by Peter's wife.
She took me to the car and I had a look around - and was impressed!
I thought it was solid black - however, she's a diamond black - a very slight flip in the paintwork. So that makes her quite different to my previous car! (and probably harder to clean.. lol). But she's a looker alright.
The deal was done and I set off on my way home in driving rain (typical). All went well except for a couple of niggles (fuel gauge is playing up).
I stopped on the M40 for a coffee and a quick bite to eat. Big mistake. I think. Anyway; on leaving a woman reversed in to me while I sat still! So within 2 hours of buying it it's already having an insurance claim.. oh well! It's not bad.. just annoying.
I managed to get home after about 5 hours in a very dirty Porsche - hehe - and I'm happy with her. I have some things to sort out and she needs cleaning but for now.. it's all good. I'll get some pics up later - but I have more pressing matters like PV this weekend to arrange and get ready for! So the Calibra needs a wash first... it never ends! lol