Popping the door you glance inside. Everything is dark, black leather. But yet it's inviting you - at first you think "Yes!" but then you realise that this may not be a good idea.
Many times I've been told to leave dreams just that.
But yet you sit down. Closing the door you are now consumed by the interior. It's clean and simple. Controls actually appear to look like they do what they are supposed to and there aren't many of them. Hmm.
Key in hand you glance at the dashboard to see the ignition is near the door... on a left hand drive car. Odd place? Depends if you know your racing history or not.
Another quick glance and time to meet key and ignition.
Clutch in, key turns, engine..... starts.
A splutter, a rush of noise and then a rumble as six pistons arranged in a horizontally opposing fashion come to life and then settle to idle. The largest gauge in the dashboard; the one that is right in the centre; the only one not obscured by the wheel or other controls; reads around 500rpm.
Feathering the gas the engine responds with a air-cooled rattle. It's not smooth like your usual 4-pot; but it means business and really really doesn't want to sit here. Who could refuse that noise?
Gear selected. Cluch up. You're moving.
Gentle roads and rpm feathering allow the thick oil to heat and thin - lubricating everything that needs it. The oil temp hits the sweet spot.
"Redline her. She was designed to be redlined... won't drive right unless you do... over 4000rpm it gets interesting"
A clear road, low geared.. revs building smoothly but not franctically.
Then there it is.. 4000rpm. All of a sudden the car squats, engine note changing completely. and you're off - 7000rpm is already there; next gear; pedal hits carpet; again 7000rpm - almost before hand is back on steering wheel another 7000rpm... the obscured speedo gauge reads three-figured KPH - and not in the legal range.
Running out of road you let engine braking bring the car back to civilisation. Adrenline pumps blood through the heart harder and faster than should be possible while physically not moving.
Taking a smaller road, the opportunity presents itself again... this time with corners...
It was 2 miles to Asda from home. 28 miles later you're nearly there.
No I can't remember why I bought a 911 either... ^_^