Thursday, March 25, 2004


This is a great video. Funniest thing I've seen in years.

Been around for a while but this is the first time I've thought of posting it.

Do yourself a favour. Buy a Nutri-grain!

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

My Saxo is quicker than your NEW 911 Turbo...

... yes, of course it is.

My.. a flying pig. Whatever next?


EDIT: The post is very old - August 2002 in fact... so things change! However - it's still funny to read.

A fan of the 7th Guest?

If, like me, you are a fan and enjoyed that very game almost 11 years ago (this month!) then the following article may be of interest.

It's the very interesting story of the rise and fall of Trilobyte - the company behind 7th Guest. Most interesting to me were the pictures of the house Stauf's mansion was based on and the (only) shot of 7th Guest 3. I can only imagine what the third game would have been like!

I've recently gotten back in to the game (with the help of a newly purchased CD-i) and am enjoying the puzzles, awful acting and wonderfully upbeat music. They certainly don't make them like they used to!

Monday, March 22, 2004

Wire wheels on your TT, Sir?

This is just not right. Why? I mean.. I'm not a fan of the TT but to stick THOSE wheels on is just..... just, wrong.

Whatever next? LOL


A (seemingly) new forum/website for the motor heads and speed freaks alike.

Has a great video archive already with some wonderful track action. Worth a visit (registration (free) required).

Red Vs Blue

Episode 7 (of season 2) is now available for download from your friendly Red vs Blue website
